Dilution vs. Source Capture

Comparing energy costs and performance.

Source Capture provided by Dectron results in up to

savings per year
which could represent as high as

cost savings over a 15 year lifespan
this is more than

the cost of new equipment

Indoor Air Quality Comparison
Dilution VS. Source Capture

No Air Movement

Chloramines are 4 times denser than air, leading them to settle on the pool surface or “breathing zone”, like a layer of scum, in the absence of any air disturbance.

Dilution / 100% Outside Air

The Dilution approach to indoor air quality requires bringing in large volumes of outside air, targeting the pool surface. This causes the chloramine layer to be disturbed and absorbed into the rest of the room, before finally being exhausted.

Source Capture

Source Capture introduces a gentle air current at the pool surface level, which exhausts the chloramine-laden air “at the source”, without distributing the chloramines throughout the pool room. Dehumidifiers manufactured by Dectron can be specified with the Source Capture ready option.

Cost Savings Analysis

Operating costs for natural ventilation dehumidifiers are heavily affected by climate.

0.4% DB/MCWB

Dilution (constant outside air)Dilution (constant outside air and compressor)Source capture (compressor and optimized ventiation) Compressor HPAnnual savings% reduction using source capture
Denver$ 66,952$ 70,034$ 43,48120$ 26,55340%
Minneapolis$ 66,213$ 68,830$ 47,80146$ 21,02932%
Washington DC$ 62,558$ 65,640$ 45,83646$ 19,80432%
Chicago$ 64,493$ 66,945$ 46,61146$ 20,33432%
Atlanta$ 59,464$ 66,845$ 45,35338$ 21,49236%
Dallas$ 57,979$ 65,360$ 45,30838$ 20,05235%
Boston$ 60,363$ 61,476$ 42,23630$ 19,24032%
Los Angeles$ 58,405$ 58,617$ 37,90420$ 20,71335%
Average$ 62,053.38$ 65,468.38$ 44,316.25Average reduction using source capture$ 21,152.1334%

calculations are based on ASHRAE climate data.

5 Common Myths of the Dilution Approach

The following myths used to sell 100% outside air (OA) can cost you money, yield dissapointing IAQ, and overall comfort.

Myth 1: Outside Air is more energy efficient and has lower operating costs

Calculations we have seen show OA to be more energy efficient incorrectly assume that compressors are operating at 100% 24/7, 365 days a year. Operating costs are 34% lower on average with source capture.

Myth 4: Outside Air removes the need for source capture.

Many systems originally designed for 100% OA end up with a compressor to ensure more acceptable year round conditions.

Myth 2: Any location is suitable for Outside Air only

In most geographies 100% OA results in unfavorable space condition fluctuations for at least part of the year.

Myth 5: Adding more Outside Air than the code requires leads to better outcomes.

Not only is it expensive and energy inefficient, it results in space condition fluctuations and does not necessarily provide better IAQ.

In certain municipalities, this is in direct contradiction with green initiatives, and potentially code requirement

Myth 3: Outside Air results in better IAQ.

Ineffective duct design will not be improved by adding more OA.

There are many installations where operating in 100% OA mode results in poor IAQ as the OA does not get to where it is needed in the space.

Volatile Organic Compounds such as trichloramines sit on the water surface (also known as the breathing zone), as they are heavier gases than the outside air added. This is why source capture solutions are a superior choice.

The Benefits of the Source Capture Approach

The dilution air approach was mostly abandoned in the 80s when people discovered the compressorized approach to controlling their space delivered more reliable results and saved energy. Source capture delivers superior indoor air quality without the need for bringing in more outside air than the code requires.

Reduced Maintenance Costs

When you dramatically reduce the corrosive chemical levels you save money on associated maintenance issues.

Improved IAQ

With an integrated source capture solution, effectively removes chemicals from the source.

Peak Performance

Your athletes will perform at their absolute best when swimming in a better environment.

Reduced Operating Costs

Reduce energy costs by 1/3 compared to constant OA systems.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

This system has the smallest energy footprint, reducing your carbon footprint to the absolute minimum.

Green Dehumidification Design

This system has the lowest refrigerant charge in the industry.